Life can get pretty hectic with a busy family, career and other commitments. Add in a dog or puppy in need of walks, attention and training, and it can be all too much to handle. You barely have time to walk your dog let alone attend training classes and do the homework. Don’t worry, I can help. In day training, your dog gets to learn from an expert trainer, who can guide him past any mistake so that he learns very quickly. When it’s your turn to learn the exercises, you get the benefit of working with a dog who already knows what to do.

The in-home day training program provides the fastest most convenient path available to a trained, well-mannered dog. I come to your home and train your dog for you, even while you’re at work. As a professional trainer, I can train your dog in much less time than a novice trainer would be able to do taking training classes.

Come home to a dog who:

  • Waits at the door until released whether you’re coming home from work, paying for pizza delivery, or bringing in groceries
  • Greets people politely without jumping, nipping or other obnoxious behaviours
  • Doesn’t steal food from table or counters
  • Walks nicely on leash without pulling
  • Lays on his dog bed while you eat dinner or have guests who don’t enjoy dogs
  • Cooperates with grooming and vet care
  • Reliably responds to commands like sit, down, stay, come, and leave-it.

How it works

  • I get to know you:  I come to your home to evaluate your dog’s behaviour and training needs, determine your priorities, and we decide on the best training program to benefit you and your dog.
  • Written agreement:  We sign a contract that describes each party’s responsibilities and what your dog will learn.
  • I train your dog:  I come to your home to work with your dog three days a week for about an hour.  You’re welcome to watch if you’re home, but you don’t have to be involved.  Most clients are at work during these sessions.
  • I train you:  At the end of each week, I give an hour-long lesson to you and your family.  I train you to maintain and build upon what I taught your dog that week.

What does it cost?

Ready to start? Contact us today to set up a preliminary consultation. You’ll be amazed at how quickly I can transform your dog’s behaviour – all while you’re taking care of other things.